Today Pastor Fredrick Boyd, Jr. stopped by the cafe to talk about updating the Creation Evidence Crusade website.
We enjoyed being able to help him -- Stay tuned we'll soon link to Damita's handi-work as she develops the new site for the upcoming Fall 2007 week of events.
And remember... everything we do here on Saturday mornings... is FREE. So pastors, leaders, anyone... come on down and ask your questions or get some help with a website of your own.
"Ask Anything Saturday"... 10am til noon... at the Unleavened Bread Cafe, 30th x Central Ave.
Btw, any of your churches or community centers out there that would like to help form a whole NETWORK of such TechMission locations.... come down and let's talk. That's a key objective this year -- to build out a whole network of community sites throughout the city... to facilitate 'connecting & communicating' among driven Christians in the Racing Capital of the World.