Saturday, April 25, 2009

Social Media Presentation @ UBcafe

We often say, "The cafe was Facebook before Facebook was Facebook". *smile* Why? Because at the heart of its very mission, the cafe is warm & welcoming (in the name of Christ) in the neighborhood. People don't 'dress up' to come to the cafe -- you can come as you are: you're among friends.

And yeah, we've been taking folks pictures 'at the banner' for years (over 1,700 now in our Flickr-stream)... to honor our guests and to help get to know each other better, sooner.

Today was just another of those 'buzzing' Saturdays at the cafe, as @DrThomasHo (Tom Ho) brought one of his IUPUI Social Media #CIT499 students with him to specially present her class project.

Julie Underwood (known as @JuUnderw on Twitter) shared a howto video with us which she had prepared, which covered a variety of social media concepts... eg. tagging, rss, pipes, lifestream, and social-networking sites.

And, no surprise, Julie made a ton of new friends while she was at the cafe.

Catch up with them all in the cafe's Facebook group... and now you can monitor the #UBcafe buzz on Twitter.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

'Ask Anything Saturday' ? We Help People Learn The Internet

[During Ask Anything Saturday (10am each week at the cafe), we've been drawing this as a picture for YEARS. Now, PTL, this quick video explains it very very well. Thus you see the power of YouTube as well.]

Come bring your questions. Everything we do on Saturday is FREE.

Or come bring your internet capabilities, and help OTHERS. If you can do email, you can help.

We're crossing the 3 great divides: Digital Divide, Multicultural Divide, and God's Eternal Divide.

This Saturday, we'll focus a little extra attention on YouTube questions. Come join us.