Saturday, January 30, 2010

Rupert and Coffee at the UBCafe: EVENT today

INDIANAPOLIS- Come see Rupert Boneham of Survivor fame and join your neighbors at the Unleavened Bread Cafe for an exciting once-in-an-afternoon experience of exploring the wonders of a special coffee! You have to try this to believe it... and besides it is 'sooooo good for you'!

It's a Boresha coffee experience with a purpose. What is boresha coffee you ask? It is a thermogenic natural coffee that has many health benefits. For example: patented hunger control, balanced energy, fat-burning, etc.

WHERE: Unleavened Bread Cafe, 3001 N. Central Ave, Indpls, IN 46205
WHEN: Saturday, January 30, 2010
2:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M.

For more info

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mission-2-America Hiker Stops by the UBcafe

photo by @Ellen5e

Daniel Johnson, hiking across the U.S. on a mission for Christ, stops by for pancakes this morning at the Unleavened Bread Cafe in the heart of Indianapolis. Daniel is known as 'TheTruthGroup' by over 2,000 subscribers to his YouTube channel, where they are following his cross-country trek to highlight the Lord Jesus Christ. Here in our metro area, Daniel can be seen regularly on IndyChristian.TV.

Video interview at

More photos from the cafe -- "We were Facebook before Facebook was Facebook".

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Who's New at the Cafe?

Pastor Fredrick Boyd with Cherry Footman... during 'Ask Anything Saturday'.

[latest pix from the cafe]

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Damon Collins... Test of Time Lithographs

Above, is an example from the gallery of "Test of Time Lithographs" -- the website of Damon Collins, a friend at the cafe. Damon is one of the regular guys in the Bible study there, conducted by City of Refuge. And today he was among those who 'Ask Anything Saturday' -- our informal learning-time together, re everything internet. For instance, today Damon and connected via Facebook (UBcafe group!) for the first time. And his key question was, "How do I go about getting other folks to link to my lithography site?". One way, we told him, was to get your friends to blog about it (or tweet about it)... ie, just like we're doing here on the cafe website. *smile*

[Btw, there were a number of others at 'Ask Anything Saturday' today who connected for the first time. That's why we fondly say, "The cafe was Facebook before Facebook was Facebook." *smile* It's all about building helpful relationships across the 3 great divides... the Digital Divide, the Multicultural Divide and God's Eternal Divide.]

[So go check out Damon's site...]