Sunday, December 26, 2010

Special Christmas Weekend @ICTV

From our partners @ICTV who host 'Ask Anything Saturday' at the cafe every Saturday morning. ShowNotes at

Watch live streaming video from indychristian at

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Cafe Chatter Newsletter

Here is a link to view the newest newsletter for the Unleavened Bread Cafe called the Cafe Chatter. Just click on the name and you will be able to see the pdf version of the newsletter.

Special thanks go out to David Metzger and Elease Womack for getting this information together for this current issue. Look for another November issue next Saturday.

Joseph Reese' Testimony

Joseph Reese gives his testimony on how God delivered from a life on the streets to now becoming a Christian and a postive influence in his community, through his writings. He also tells about the book he wrote entitled Street Stories: God's Glory.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Taking The Holiday Off... Sat. July 3rd

Note: The cafe staff will be taking a well-deserved holiday off on Saturday July 3rd (and Monday the 5th as always). See you Tuesday!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Coming Soon... Gabby Gail TV

Find more videos like this on ICM-Indy Christian Media


Help us start the buzz... Follow @GabbyGailTV on Twitter!

"Your Facebook Page Ain't Right"

[Bring it, Pastor! Great challenge to us all... by Pastor Clarence Moore, at Northside New Era Church near the cafe. And really, his challenge isn't just about Facebook... is it?]

[Special thanks to our good friend @DianForeman for this clip]

Want to know more? Here at the UBcafe we help people with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and all sorts of computer questions... every Saturday morning, 10am, for 'Ask Anything Saturday'.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Commercial Shoot-out at the Cafe... Sat, 5/1

Here's one of the commercials we shot Saturday (during 'Ask Anything Saturday' -- come on down sometime, 10am)

Visit -- and considering joining the citywide Communications Team.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

What is Tech Mission...

[An interview with Andrew Sears, Boston, Founder of TechMission... which is related to the Q&A tech ministry we carry out at the Unleavened Bread Cafe each Saturday morning at 10am -- we call it 'Ask Anything Saturday'.]

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Next CCDA Praying/Planning Meeting... Tues, May 18th

Mark your calendar and plan to be with us on Tues, May 18, 2010 for the next CCDA planning meeting... hosted at the cafe. Everyone who's involved in Christ-honoring urban ministry here in Central Indiana is warmly invited to join the conversation.

Here's a note with further details... from Erin Schultz, National Conference Coordinator...

"Dear Indianapolis friends of CCDA,

Thank you to those who were able to attend the March 16 gathering at Unleavened Bread Cafe to begin planning for the 2011 National Conference in Indy!


[continued at IndyChristianMedia site]

Thursday, March 04, 2010

CCDA Indy... Next Meeting at UBcafe... Tues, Mar.16th

Again, CCDA officials will be here in Indy, to continue praying & planning together with us regarding the Fall 2011 CCDA convention here in Indianapolis.

This time we'll be meeting at 9:00am at the Unleavened Bread Cafe (UBcafe). (corner of 30th x Central)

[If you're not familiar, visit to learn more about CCDA's mission in the name of Christ.]

For more information, you're welcome to call 317-490-1255.

See you there!!!

P.S... Come early and order some of the cafe's world-famous PANCAKES!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Pastor Joe on YouTube...

[We were elated to find Pastor Joseph Reaves Jr. on YouTube. He's the pastor of the Greater Faith House of Prayer (church) that meets at the Unleavened Bread Cafe location.]

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Job Posting -- Cafe Director of Operations





    Director of Operations Job Description

  1. Run the day-to-day operations of the organization including: manage the food service operations (ordering of food, overseeing food prep systems and processes, menu preparation, coordinating work schedules, hiring and firing of employees, run staff meetings and personnel issues) organize and keep calendar of events, set up events, contract with organizations to use the facilities, coordinate catering with Elease Womack, coordinate with property manager for repairs and renovation, work with all members of the board to coordinate organizational activities
  2. Communicate with appropriate board members to carry out board resolutions and plans
  3. Must be able to maintain budgets and function inside financial parameters set by the treasurer and board (must create and manage annual budget with Director of Finance)
  4. Must assist with fundraising and grant preparation
  5. Create an agenda for all board meetings with Chair
  6. Must work closely with Elease to honor her as founder and follow her lead on issues that are ministry related (as opposed to operation related)

    Requirements: Professing Christian with pastor recommendation

    Experience required: Experience in managing a restaurant most critical. Heart for people in need also necessary. Good writing skills a plus. Knowledge of Quickbooks a plus. Any history with nonprofits also a plus.

    Hours per week: 25-30

    Benefits: None

    Salary: To be determined

    Please contact Elease Womack at 920-9430 or send resume to the address above.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Rupert and Coffee at the UBCafe: EVENT today

INDIANAPOLIS- Come see Rupert Boneham of Survivor fame and join your neighbors at the Unleavened Bread Cafe for an exciting once-in-an-afternoon experience of exploring the wonders of a special coffee! You have to try this to believe it... and besides it is 'sooooo good for you'!

It's a Boresha coffee experience with a purpose. What is boresha coffee you ask? It is a thermogenic natural coffee that has many health benefits. For example: patented hunger control, balanced energy, fat-burning, etc.

WHERE: Unleavened Bread Cafe, 3001 N. Central Ave, Indpls, IN 46205
WHEN: Saturday, January 30, 2010
2:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M.

For more info

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mission-2-America Hiker Stops by the UBcafe

photo by @Ellen5e

Daniel Johnson, hiking across the U.S. on a mission for Christ, stops by for pancakes this morning at the Unleavened Bread Cafe in the heart of Indianapolis. Daniel is known as 'TheTruthGroup' by over 2,000 subscribers to his YouTube channel, where they are following his cross-country trek to highlight the Lord Jesus Christ. Here in our metro area, Daniel can be seen regularly on IndyChristian.TV.

Video interview at

More photos from the cafe -- "We were Facebook before Facebook was Facebook".

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Who's New at the Cafe?

Pastor Fredrick Boyd with Cherry Footman... during 'Ask Anything Saturday'.

[latest pix from the cafe]

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Damon Collins... Test of Time Lithographs

Above, is an example from the gallery of "Test of Time Lithographs" -- the website of Damon Collins, a friend at the cafe. Damon is one of the regular guys in the Bible study there, conducted by City of Refuge. And today he was among those who 'Ask Anything Saturday' -- our informal learning-time together, re everything internet. For instance, today Damon and connected via Facebook (UBcafe group!) for the first time. And his key question was, "How do I go about getting other folks to link to my lithography site?". One way, we told him, was to get your friends to blog about it (or tweet about it)... ie, just like we're doing here on the cafe website. *smile*

[Btw, there were a number of others at 'Ask Anything Saturday' today who connected for the first time. That's why we fondly say, "The cafe was Facebook before Facebook was Facebook." *smile* It's all about building helpful relationships across the 3 great divides... the Digital Divide, the Multicultural Divide and God's Eternal Divide.]

[So go check out Damon's site...]