Saturday, April 19, 2008

Chelsea Clinton Visits The Cafe

[Much thanks for photos by Alex Conner]

Judy O'Bannon & Chelsea Clinton

Former 'First Daughter', Chelsea Clinton, came to the cafe yesterday while on the campaign trail for Senator Hillary Clinton. She was accompanied by Mrs. Judy O'Bannon -- former first lady of Indiana.

Pastor David Scott & Chelsea

Chelsea's visit came on short notice, and of course was warmly welcomed by everyone -- a hallmark at the cafe... Christ-like warmth & hospitality.

Mrs. O'Bannon & Neil Cox

Chelsea and Sister Elease Womack

Mrs. O'Bannon and Ms. Clinton were greeted by Sister Elease Womack, the cafe ministry leader. And they made the rounds throughout the cafe, stopping and talking with cafe regulars who were on-hand.

Chris Smith & Chelsea

And of course, many photos were taken 'at the banner'. After all, surely you wouldn't travel all the way to Indy and NOT get your photo taken at the banner, would you? *wink*

Jennifer O'Bannon & Ellen Spencer

Another 'First Daughter' was also on-hand... Jennifer... daughter of the late Gov. Frank O'Bannon.

Rosie & Viola

Many beloved friends of the cafe were also enjoying the occasion. And as is our tradition, getting your picture made 'at the banner' is just another way we can honor our neighbors and friends, as we strive to get to know each other quickly.

The cafe photo-pool now contains over 900 such pictures... with a promise of many more to come, should the Lord tarry.

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